Tuesday, June 9, 2009


"Them" and "Us"He started it? He ends it?

I am a happy Malaysian today!!!

After 52 years of independence a Prime Minister of Malaysia finally gets it right! For decades Malaysians have lived with, accepted and embraced each other's differences. And gotten on with it. "It" being the gotong-royong way of building and developing the country we love. And doing it for ALL Malaysians.

Then the politicians began to highlight our differences and startied calling on Malaysians to "TOLERATE" each other. When before it was understand and accept it suddenly became tolerate. Even without my Engrand being very good I know that to tolerate implied superiority of one over another. And of course that ripened into the 'them and us' attitude which festered into the 'we are masters and you are the tolerated immigrants' and other superiority complexes.
But now a Malaysian Prime Minister has announced that it is "......Time for all races to embrace, and not just tolerate, each other".

And I am a happy Malaysian today. Now to try and understand fully what he really means by his 1 Malaysia concept. If I can't, I'll pretend...

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